led显示屏P2.5和led显示屏P3同属于室内全彩led显示屏系列产品,有很多相同的地方,比如说都是采用SMD 2121黑灯制作,模组分辨率都是64点*64点,扫描方式都是1/32扫,但是两者之间也有很多不同点。
1)点间距不同: led显示屏P2.5的点间距是2.5mm,而led显示屏P3的点间距是3mm
2)点密度不同: led显示屏P2.5的点密度是160000点/㎡,而led显示P3的点密度是111111点/㎡。
Lead display P2.5 and LED display P3 belong to the series of indoor full-color LED display products, there are many similarities, such as SMD 2121 black light production, module resolution is 64 * 64 points, scanning mode is 1/32, but there are many differences between the two.
1) Point spacing is different: the point spacing of the LED display P2.5 is 2.5mm, while the point spacing of the LED display P3 is 3mm.
2) Point density is different: the point density of the LED display P2.5 is 16000 points /, while the point density of the LED display P3 is 11111 points /.
3) Module resolution is the same, but the size is different: the resolution of both modules are 64 points * 64 points, but the module size of LED display P2.5 is 160 mm * 160 mm, while that of P3led display is 192 mm * 192 mm.
4) For different viewing distances, the viewing distances of LED display P2.5 are (> 2.5M) and those of P3 are (> 3M).
Under the same viewing conditions, LED display P2.5 has closer viewing distance, higher definition and, of course, more expensive price.
还有可以试试接个DVI接口的显示器,先看下显卡的DVI输出口是否信号正常。 一般仰邦的卡的话 DVI接口分辨率是1024*768的。导致LED显示屏花屏的原因,还可能是显卡的问题,或者驱动问题。试着把显示屏后面的接收卡的网线拔掉按接收卡上的调试按钮,看屏体扫描是否正常。